welcome to Anglican Africa

The Anglican Africa home page serves as a directory of information about Anglican provinces, dioceses, parishes, theological colleges and other institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa. The website also lists Anglican Communion efforts in other parts of the world in the interest of and on behalf of the African Church. Find out more About this Website. You may also get immediate help with capstone project based on this topic if you contact us via form at https://top-papers.com/help-with-capstone-project/.

African Bishops + African Provinces + African Provincial Secretaries
theological education
Theological schools in Africa + Other theological schools where Africans are trained
other web pages
African Diocesan Websites + Other links to Anglican sites concerning Africa
other web pages
Episcopal Council for Global Mission + ANITEPAM
Links around the Anglican Communion
Other links related to Africa
Information on the Sudan + Other Crises

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last updated: 16 december 1999