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Theological Education Commission

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Mammoth Task

As the saying goes, "Such a seminarian, such a priest, and such a priest, such a congregation."  This makes us realise that the more intellectual and spiritual enlightenment we obtain, the more we will have to give to our people--all in the light of the Holy Spirit.  This is in conformity with what a Latin proverb entails which says, "Nemo dat quod non habet"--meaning, "No one can give what he/she hasn't got."

Vocation Not Job

Responding to a call to become a priest, a religious sister or a religious brother, is very different from responding to the desire to be a businessman.  

The one is a life long call while the other is a job.  As a priest, one gives oneself totally to the service of God and humankind, and one's satisfaction lies solely in performing in order to please the Creator.

The opposite could be true in a job.  The Theological Education Commission therefore aims at equipping the priest with the spiritual, intellectual, and social armor necessary to fulfill his vocation.

Examining Panel 

Since priests are products of families who make up the laity in their congregations, it was deemed of importance that candidates to the priesthood be examined by both the Laity and the Clergy for the following reasons:

  • The lay part of the examining panel serves to check on how humane the candidate is in relation to the call;
  • The clergy fraction of the panel is there to discern the theological aspect of the candidate's vocation.

After the selecting panel the candidate has to be scrutinized by the Examining Chaplain before, finally, the bishop makes the final decision.

Prayer of Self-less Service

Let us, therefore, join St.

Augustine as we heartily pray:

Lord, teach me to be generous;

teach me to serve you as you deserve;

to give and not to count the cost;

to fight and not to heed the wounds;

to toil and not to seek for rest;

to labour and not to ask for reward,

save that of knowing that I do your will!

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