Diocese of Kizegi
Theological Education by Extension Programme of the Church of Uganda
"Equipping and Empowering Faithful
Servants for God's Ministry within Their Context"
There is an acute shortage of theologically well-trained Christians in leadership positions of various departments in the dioceses, parishes and schools/colleges. It has proved very expensive for dioceses to sponsor many students in residential theological colleges. The population explosion in secondary and tertiary institutions need theologically informed Christian teachers and chaplains. The rural-urban migration has led to rapid growth of urban communities with diverse characteristics. The church needs to train leaders who can meet this challenge.
Theological Education by Extension (TEE) became "the Brigade" for all to be theologically equipped without leaving their job to meet this need.
Why TEE as a Method of Teaching?
Theological Education by Extension (TEE) is a form of distance education with tutorial support. Extension education entails the idea of taking the education to where the learner is so that one can study in one's context. TEE brings theological education to your doorstep and enables you to receive the benefits of higher education and Christian ministry. Do theology in an open, exploring and contextual way which is relevant to both your work and faith.
TEE is therefore learner-oriented, church-related, Bible-based and ministry-centered. TEE is a well-proven, worldwide method of study: contextual, community based, affordable and economically viable to many low-income earners who would like to upgrade their qualifications. It is for all those who cannot afford full time residential training due to their very busy responsibilities.
Our Vision
- To adequately equip all God's people, both lay and ordained for ministry, spiritual formation, growth, Christian service through open and continuing theological education in order that a person who serves God may be "fully qualified and convinced to do every kind of good work." (2 Tim. 3:17).
- To encourage and promote creativity that will serve as a catalyst for the emergence of new forms of training church ministers in a way that is appropriate, affordable, and relevant for various groups and challenges.
Target Groups
- Clergy, Lay Readers/Leaders who want to upgrade and other church leaders such as Clergy's and Bishops' wives who are interested in Theological Education.
Present Status
Presently, we have over 118 students from 12 dioceses who are registered with the awarding institutions and 60 new applicants, and out of all, 20 percent are women.
We have well qualified Enablers/Facilitators of the programme handling various courses in difference dioceses.
1. Basic Level (Short Courses)
These courses are designed specially for individuals or group study. They cover relevant topics such as:
- Following Jesus
- Talking with God
- Bringing people to Jesus
- New Testament Survey
- Looking at the Old Testament
- Life of Christ.
All Christians can take these courses. Books can even be translated into local languages.
2. Intermediate Level
This is more advanced and courses are designed for students with a basic level of education (P.7 and above) and are eager to learn more about their Christian faith. The programme contains courses like:
- Introduction to the Bible
- Introduction to Basic Christian Doctrines
- Urban Ministry
3. Advanced Level
(a) Certificate in Theology
- Old and New Testament
- Theology
- Church History (general Africa)
- Christian Counselling and Worship
- Pastoral Care and Counselling
- Church Stewardship
- Urban Ministry
(b) Diploma in Theology
Mandatory courses include:
- Old and New Testament 1 & 2
- Systematic Theology
- Church History (General, African, Ugandan)
- African Traditional Religion
- Christian Ethics
- African Christian Theology
- Christian Education/Counselling
- Church Leadership and Research Methods
- Communication and Homiletics
The Diploma and Certificate courses of study are examined by UCU.
(c) Degree Course
- Plans are underway to be introduced by 2002.
Admission Requirements
- Direct Entry. The candidate must have obtained at least one principal pass at advanced level.
- Mature Age Scheme. The applicant must pass the mature age unit examination. Pass mark is 50 percent.
- Holders of Certificate in Theology or professions from a recognized institution may be admitted.
Duration of the Course
The course takes a minimum of six semesters.
Study Requirements/Methods
- Self-study. Students are provided with self-study materials for each subject.
- Tutorials/Discussion meetings. Once a week the students are expected to participate in a tutorial for not less than two hours for each course under the guidance of theological trained tutors above the level of the course.
- Residential schools/seminars. A residential school of not less than 2 weeks is organized each semester. This includes face-to-face facilitation on topics that require the help of a tutor as determined by the Tutors.
- Ministry Training. TEE is essentially a training in Ministry, so students are encouraged to be involved in ministry practically so that they can improve their ministry skills.
Study Materials
They are provided by the provincial TEE coordinator's office and Uganda Christian University. These materials have been prepared by professors from theological institutions in East Africa, such as Uganda Christian University, Daystar University, Nairobi University, and St. Mark's University-Tanzania.
- Weekly tests and assignments (count to overall course work grade which counts 30 percent).
- Examinations conducted at the end of every semester. These count 70 percent.
New Programmes
Plans are underway to begin writing materials for the Bachelor of Theological Studies.
We are looking for partners and friends, Christians who want to become part of this programme of god's work in Uganda. Your support in prayers and finances can make a big difference for the students, enablers/facilitators and the church in Uganda.
Our Needs
- We require US$30,000 to publish already finished 12 TEE course books for Diploma level.
- At least six computers for our regional study centers.
- Big photocopier for main office.
- Reference books.
- Automobile vehicle for transporting books.
Contact Us:
TEE Coordinator
Church of Uganda
P.O. Box 14123, Kampala
Tel: 256-41-270218/9 or 530133
Academic Registrar, U.C.U.
P.O. Box 4, Mukono
Tel.: 256-41-290231