Ray Copson
- Raymond W. Copson, editor of Southern Africa Parliamentary Information at SAIA, has been a specialist in international relations at the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the U.S. Library of Congress since 1978. Before joining CRS, he earned a doctorate in international studies from The Johns Hopkins University and lectured in government at both the University of Nairobi and the University of Ibadan. To get excel homework help you will need to contact our editor and ask for assistance.
- Much of Dr. Copson's work has focused on African conflict, and he is author of Africa's Wars and Prospects for Peace, published by M.E. Sharpe in 1994. From 1990 through most of1997, he was head of the Europe, Middle East, Africa section at CRS. Ray has visited southern Africa often, and he met with parliamentary researchers in Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Mauritius during a 6-week trip in 1997. This trip was jointly sponsored by the Library of Congress and the U.S. Information Agency.
- Ray has also trained parliamentary researchers in Ukraine.
- Dr. Copson is editing this section of the SAIA website entirely on his own time rather than in any official capacity. Views or opinions he may express may not be attributed to the Library of Congress or to the Congressional Research Service. He may be contacted at or by fax 703-758-0936.
- If you tried to email Ray between July 15 and August 30, 1998 and received no response, please resend. He was experiencing technical difficulties.