Please note and are currently being re-organised, and we apologise for any inconvenience while this happens

The AnglicanAfrica web site can be found at


Southern Africa Information Access, Inc. 

Edited by Russell Ayers




-Africa Backgrounder: History, U.S. Policy, Principal Congressional Actions (1/99) by Ray Copson.

-Channel Africa MAIN INDEX Broadcasting African news via Shortwave, Satellite and Internet Radio

The Africa in Washington Web site is a rather out-of-date resource for African researchers in Sub-Saharan Africa and Africanists elsewhere to identify and locate the hundreds of  African-oriented and Africa-concerned entities in the greater Washington DC area. Useful and interesting material can still be found at this site.

We offer a Parliamentary Information resource (SPI) which continues to be a current and valuable contribution and the SAIA Directory

The purpose has been to assist those who want to stay in touch with:

  • Information and commentary on the latest Africa policy debates;
  • Congressional committee activity;
  • Legislation on issues of concern to Africa;
  • Other policy-relevant matters.

The web site database has included  a wide range of materials on:

  • Africa and U.S.-Africa relations;
  • A directory of Africa-related organizations in Washington;
  • Access to current lists of all African ambassadors and the addresses of their embassies.

Links are provided to other relevant databases, such as the State Department human rights reports on African countries and Africa data at the U.S. Agency for International Development.

Our original hope was to keep the listings and commentary as up-to-date as possible and to qualify dated material for archival value it may have. This has turned out to be more difficult than we imagined. If there are any interested persons who have time and interest to work on this website please contact us.

Last changes made  30 August 2000